Why I Love Marioinex
“Just about to finish from these Mini Waffles…” a line many would assume to be related to a delicious freshly prepared Waffle dessert.
Sadly, though, as much as I love that as well, I’m not talking about it.
What I’m referring to is an educational toy from Poland aimed towards nurturing the creative and fine motor elements of young thinkers.
In this blog, I aim to introduce Marioinex, focusing on what makes this product a powerful contender in the educational toy market.
Safety, Safety and Safety
When discussing any toy especially educational ones, what first needs to be taken into consideration is the level of safety of that product. Skimming through the net, I couldn’t find what the exact composition of the material is (except that it’s from recyclable material) but from my hands-on experience, it could be best described as a soft and flexible type of rubber that goes back to its original shape even when someone attempts to bend or tilt it with force. Also, it doesn’t cause any pain or damage to the child when bitten. I sometimes consider it a remodeled version of a lego block, which focuses on the educational aspect and puts aside the commercial ones (such as Marvel, DC, Harry Potter, and all those editions that Lego promotes).
“A Whole Lotta …” Forms
These guys have way too many molds going around their factory. I cannot point out how many different pieces they have but what I’m certain is that they’re more than enough to keep your kids busy. First and Foremost, their pieces can be really big or they can be really small as well. They can be lego shaped or they can be waffle shaped. If they aren’t any of those, then they are still shaped but into one of those random pieces you use to put together those prior mentioned original ones. To put it into perspective, I attached below some different models which have come across me.
Okay So What’s Educational About It
According to Justyna Walczak (Educational playing with the use of Marioinex Mini Waffles - Visual memory, analysis, and visual synthesis, spatial thinking, 2019), a therapist for Marioinex Education, the benefits of Marioinex are several. Firstly, she discusses how the use of waffles can trigger a visual memory exercise for your child. To do this, she suggests that your child should sit down and try to rebuild your previously built model only by remembering. As a child, such a task would require going through a roller coaster of past memories this includes color, shapes, and number of pieces. If done properly then the final model presented should be similar to the one you built, if not, then its also fine. At the end of the day, the effort is what counts so we should keep encouraging them and give them a chance to repeat till done correctly.
Secondly, Ms. Walczak talks about auditory memory and linear processing. Her discussion indicates that a child can build up auditory memory by repeating the sequence of colors initially presented to them by the adult. After that, the adult slowly repeats a sequence of colors the child should build. To her, such an exercise can help the child to learn to listen to what is being said by the teacher as they start their initial steps in school. Furthermore, not only do they learn colors but they also build up self-confidence since the child manages to remember a sequence of colors all on their own.
Finally, Ms. Walczak indicates how Marioinex promotes creative thinking. As a child is told to build a house, for example, they go through a series of constructions that signify to them what a house is. Mistakes will obviously be present such as constructing a cup under the table rather than above it. However, it is the adult’s task to guide the child away from those mistakes, showing them what is wrong and what is right, after all, we play to learn.
When it comes to adults, I’ve seen Marioinex used by many including myself as a stress reliever, I don’t know why but it might be because of the softness and flexibility of the product. However as children use it, then it becomes apparent how its possibilities are endless and fully educational. So again, this is why I love Marioinex and I’m sure you will as well.